
In recent years, the trend of raising chickens at home has gained immense popularity among homeowners and enthusiasts. This not only provides a sustainable source of fresh eggs but also offers a unique connection to nature and the satisfaction of self-sufficiency. However, like any endeavor, there are both pros and cons to raising chickens, as well as potential health concerns for humans. In this blog post, we will explore the joys and challenges of raising chickens and address the question of whether humans can get coccidiosis from chickens.

The Problems with Raising Chickens at Home:

Time and Commitment: One of the significant challenges of raising chickens is the time and commitment required. Chickens need daily care, which includes feeding, watering, and ensuring their safety from predators. Neglecting these responsibilities can lead to health issues for the chickens and lower egg production.

Space Requirements: Chickens need adequate space to roam, forage, and exercise. Limited space can lead to stress and behavioral problems among the flock. Lack of space also contributes to sanitation issues.

Health Concerns: Chickens are susceptible to various diseases and parasites. Common health issues include mites, respiratory infections, and coccidiosis. Preventative measures and regular health checks are essential to keep the flock healthy.

Regulations and Zoning: Check local regulations and zoning laws before starting a chicken coop. Some areas may have restrictions on the number of chickens you can keep or specific coop requirements.

Can Humans Get Coccidiosis from Chickens?

Coccidiosis is a common intestinal disease in chickens caused by protozoa called coccidia. While coccidiosis primarily affects chickens, it is possible for humans to contract the disease in rare cases. However, the risk to humans is minimal. The main route of transmission for coccidiosis to humans is through ingestion of oocysts, which are shed in chicken feces.

To reduce the risk of contracting coccidiosis from chickens:

Practice good hygiene, such as washing hands thoroughly after handling chickens, their eggs, or anything in their environment.
Avoid consuming raw or undercooked eggs.
Maintain a clean and sanitary coop environment to minimize the presence of coccidia oocysts.
The Pros and Cons of Raising Chickens:


Fresh Eggs: Home-raised chickens provide a consistent supply of fresh and nutritious eggs, often of superior quality to store-bought eggs.

Gardening Benefits: Chickens can help with garden pest control by eating insects and weeds, and their manure can be used as an excellent natural fertilizer.

Educational: Raising chickens can be a valuable learning experience for children and adults alike, teaching responsibility and valuable skills.

Sustainable: It reduces your ecological footprint by producing your own food and reducing the need for store-bought eggs.


Time and Effort: As mentioned earlier, chickens require daily care and attention, which can be time-consuming.

Initial Costs: Setting up a chicken coop can be expensive, including costs for construction, feed, and equipment.

Space Requirements: Chickens need space, which may not be feasible for those with limited yard space.

Health Risks: Chickens can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans, although the risk is relatively low with proper hygiene and care.

In conclusion, raising chickens at home can be a rewarding and sustainable endeavor. While there are challenges and potential health concerns, with proper knowledge and care, you can enjoy the benefits of fresh eggs and a closer connection to nature while minimizing the risks associated with chicken-related diseases like coccidiosis. Remember that the key to successful chicken-keeping is commitment, education, and responsible care.